Hildebrand Photographys most esteemed wedding vendors.

January 17, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Hildebrand Photography’s Most Esteemed Vendors

The weddings that run the smoothest are those with professional/experienced wedding vendors.  If anything should go wrong we all work like a smooth running machine and fix it before anyone even knows something was awry.  It’s a beautiful thing.

The professionals listed below are hand chosen by us.  We respect them.

So, interview them, hire them and be happy that you did…you can thank us later. 😉1f609


Salish Lodge www.salishlodge.com  425.888.2556

Skansonia Ferry http://www.skansonia.com/ 206.545.9109

Willows Lodge www.willowslodge.com  425.424.3900

Trinity Tree Farm trinitytreefarm.com/ 425.391.8733

 The Loft at Russell’s, www.russelllowell.com/  425.486.4072

De Lille Cellars, www.delillecellars.com 425.489.0544

Bear Creek Golf and Country Club, http://www.bearcreekcc.com/ 425.883.4770


Grand Event Rentals www.grandeventrentalswa.com  425.462.7368


Winslow Salon, Helen, www.winslowsalon.com  425.629.3686

Salon Maison www.salonmaison.net  425.223.3278

Kathy Evans Beauty Studio http://kathyevansbeautystudio.com/ 425.822.0600


Hildebrand Productions,  www.hildebrandphoto.com  206.399.4987


Seattle Floral Design, Lana, www.seattlefloraldesign.com 206.414.8446


Act 3 Catering www.act3catering.com , Bill Riordan, 425.251.9102

Gallucci’s Catering, www.galluccis.com , Adrielle 253.572.6828


Viva Limousine http://elitelimos.com/main.htm 206.542.5733


Event Source NW, Troy, www.eventsourcenw.com/weddings.html  425.896.8118

Sounds Unlimited www.asoundsunlimited.com 206.364.4000


O’Shields Studio, Vocalist, Kerstin, [email protected]  206.852.1914

Alex Ho, Cellist, [email protected]

Noteworthy Productions, Jeff and Rhiannon pianists www.noteworthyproductions.com  206.724.2782


Patricia and Kent www.aheavenlyceremony.com  206.789.9788

Rev. Eric Warn, www.ericwarn.com , 253.222.3742

Event Source NW, Troy, www.eventsourcenw.com/weddings.html , 425.896.8118

Seattle Wedding Officiants, Elaine Way www.seattleweddingofficiants.com/  206.406.7919


Wendy of Simplee Wendy   www.simpleewendy.com  253.332.4883

It’s Your Day Event and Expressions   www.itsyourdayevents.com  425.908.7092

Love Blooms Event Design, www.lovebloomseventdesign.weebly.com    425.681.2249

New Creations , www.newcreationsweddings.com  206.491.0608

 Pink Orchid Events, www.pinkorchidevents.com   425.998.8039


Hildebrand Productions,  www.hildebrandphoto.com  206.399.4987


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